Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My (Fashion) story....

Hi my name is Amanda and I'm a fashionista. I'm in love with fashion and can't help stopping at a store and looking at every piece of clothes there. But I hadn't always been this way, because about a year ago I had such ugly clothes and looked horrible with my clothes and my hair (wasn't the smartest thing to get a perm) which made my hair look super frizzy and I had horrible acne. But about halfway through a highly fashionable person came along and made me think twice about my appearance. She has made look good on the outside and feel good about my self on the inside. But ever since then I know how to match things and what not to wear. Now people give me complements on my clothes almost everyday and I just feel fabulous!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Summer outfit

Easy summer style that'll take you through to Autumn. CocoMamaStyle

This summer I would really like this skirt, love the sparkles on the top, and the cute messenger bag.


J.Crew Store Styling Tweed + Gingham + a Pile of Pearls.

Crew Store Styling Tweed + Gingham + a Pile of Pearls.